Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hay Day 2009

Today we attended a tradition that is part of one of our Hope families. Hay Day consisted of a ride out in the country to about a 600 acre farm, a big barn set up for dinner and a kitchen to serve food from. We had singing on a stage as well as some banjo and bass playing!! The event also included a hay ride behind a tractor. I got to sit by a senior ACU student and had wonderful conversation!! One more activity to bond us together as a community!! We played a game where a person was timed while they put on jeans, boots and suspenders and then ran out to find the two plastic cows in the pasture. It was a reenactment of the farmer who is called in the middle of the night to come get his cows off the road and back on the other side of the fence. Much laughter and hospitality!!


Anonymous said...

So sad that I couldn't be there for it! It looks like I missed out on a really fun time! Hope you guys are doing wonderfully. Tell everybody at Hope that I said hi!

Anonymous said...

And is that Catherine in that last picture? I love it!