We had a beautiful Saturday in Abilene last week. We decided, well Daniel talked me into going with him to pick out some rocks for our flower beds. Now we didn't go down to a rock store or Lowe's or anything. We headed about 12-15 miles out of town to our friend's house, the Istre Family. Wonderful family who lives off the land and raises animals for food, makes great homemade bread, and just totally enjoys being a family of God. They have 29 acres and they built their home on the land. They had told us that there were some rocks on their land that we could have when they heard we were wanting some for our flower beds.
We headed out on the 4-wheeler. Boy, it was fun and the younger boy in Daniel came out and really wanted to drive a bit faster than I wanted to go.
We were successful after climbing down into a dry creek or two and shoveling up some rocks. Some we could only see the tops and would dig and have no idea how big they were until they were uncovered. We like them so much that we may have to go back for some more.
We love all of the adventures God is giving us in Abilene!!
It sounds like you two had a great Saturday... just what Jason and I love to do too! There is nothing like enjoying the outdoors and running around on a four wheeler! You'll have to post some pics of your flowerbeds when you have them all fixed up with your new rocks!
That looked like fun, and HARD work!
Oh, that really makes me miss the Istres! I love their home, land, & family! What fun!
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