Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Quick Read!! Mudhouse Sabbath, by Lauren Winner

Lauren Winner converted from Judaism to Christianity in early adulthood. She points out disciplines and rituals that are part of the Jewish faith that could enhance our walk with Christ. There are activities she misses that were part of her Jewish faith experience and each chapter is about some of these topics. Some of the chapters are prayer, candle lighting and weddings, food, aging and our bodies. Mudhouse is the name of the coffee shop where Winner enjoys some down time on a Sunday afternoon. She explores her thoughts as she does things differently in her Christian walk but also enjoys drawing in some practices from her Jewish faith. I loved the way she invites Christians into a deeper and more daily walk of faith.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So this is the third time for me in under 24 hours this book's been mentioned. Perhaps I need to look into it...