When we lived in CS I loved going to the Hard Back Coffee Cafe at Hastings. This was the place of many evenings with aggie girls. (Shanna French, Nicole Oberle, Haley Edmiston, Hillary Cunningham....) What good memories I have!!! Here in "A" town the Hard Back Coffee Cafe at Hastings in on the other side of town and so we had never ventured into it. As Daniel and I were on the road doing errands last week, I ask if we could go in and get coffee, mainly to just remember my times. Yes, I do miss CS!! I miss my connections with all of the great people!! As we entered through the first double doors there were books on rolling shelves on both sides of the wall. The sign said 5 Books for $5.00. Of course, I could not pass this opportunity up. Would I find all 5 or would I have to let Daniel get a few for himself. As we left that evening our receipt said we had saved something like $136.45!!! Wow, doesn't that make you feel good!! We did get 5 books that night.
A Little Pot of Oil, Jill Briscoe, was one of my choices. All 86 pages are refreshing. Very practical and brings you to II Kings 4:1-7 about the widow and the prophet. The main theme is running out of the will to run on.
The titles of the chapters are:
1. The Holy Who? "Getting to Know the One who Fills our Emptiness"
2. Poured out and Filled Up "The Story of the Little Pot of Oil"
3. The Pot of All "Secrets of Filled-Up living"
There is an introduction entitled Hope for When You're Running Low. Check it out. Great book for $1.00.
And oh, I didn't get coffee. I got too distracted!!
What do you know about this book??? Let me know! Eat This Book, Eugene Peterson
1 comment:
Cat- I've never heard of that book but I will definantly try to check out- I SO miss our coffee/chat nights...hope you're having a great Thanksgiving!
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