These are the faces of two of Cailyn's friends from Arequipa, Peru. Their parents are missionaries also. They were actually staying with Alison and Justin when I arrived. It was great to see some of the families who will be partners in Peru for Christ. I have been following their websites. They are working on a neat library book project.
We have gone thru about 20 plus loads of clothes. Well, not quite that many but we have kept the washer and dryer going with all of the container items. We have all of the baby items ready and in drawers. Of course we still have a neat stack of specific boys and girls items.
Cailyn and i have had some great reading time and lots of time of talking. Her eyes are very expressive and she doesn't need words at times. She loves her guards which are stationed right out in front of the house. Jose and Pedro are their names. She always wants to greet them as we leave the house. She really embraces the culture in ways that would be harder for us as adults. She gets excited to share the tunnel experience she enjoys traveling through as she goes to different places and she wants to be the person to hand the taxi driver the money and says Gracias everytime we are getting out of the taxi.
At home the boxes have taken up lots of room and time but we are beginning to see the entry way and living room. Each room is being filled with bits and pieces from so many in the states. Baby blankets from Susan Whitton and friends from Fairland church of Christ, recipes books from Lanette Schulte, diaper bag from Rachel Landolt, goodbye book and beautiful picture from Hope church of Christ are just a few.
Cailyn goes to school on MWF mornings. A Peruvian teacher (Teacher Lilly) teaches a few students at each of the student's homes and the moms get to be the teacher's aide. They rotate each week. Alison will wait until the baby is here for several weeks before the classroom comes her direction. She comes home very tired and takes a nap and then has swimming lessons on MW. I'm excited to be a part of each of these experiences. Parker and Kellen Davidson are part of this routine too so it is nice to see a familiar face. They are actually the only 3 in the swim class so far!!
You can see Kellen, Parker and Cailyn really enjoying some play time in the Davidson's front yard. We encouraged one another with a time of worship and praise last night at the Davidson's house. My friend Chelsa Istre in Abilene gave me a recipe for communion bread and it was a hit!! After our time in the Word we all headed for pizza at the best playground around.
Alison and i have much more to do so i best end here but do pray for her. She is experiencing the pains of a sciatic nerve on the right side.
Yeah! I'm so glad you're there! I'll be praying for you guys and for baby T.
Thanks for the update and pictures. Lifting you all up in prayer.
I'm glad to know that you maed it to Lima safely. What a precious tiime you are priveledged to spend with Allison, Justin, Cailyn and Baby T. Have fun!
daddyO says save some of the fun (not unpacking) for me!
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